A class that implements the IntentMatcher interface to match intents using OpenAI's API. This class is responsible for analyzing an intent, matching it to a registered tool, and parsing the required parameters for the matched tool.



  • Constructs an instance of the OpenAiIntentMatcher.


    • apiKey: string

      The API key for the OpenAI client.

    • Optional model: string

      The model to be used for intent analysis. Defaults to 'gpt-4o-mini'.

    Returns OpenAiIntentMatcher


name: "OpenAI Intent Matcher" = "OpenAI Intent Matcher"

The name of the intent matcher.

requiredCredentialNames: readonly ["openAiApiKey"]

The required credential names for this intent matcher.


  • Analyzes the provided intent and matches it to a registered tool. If a tool is matched, it also parses the required parameters from the intent.


    • intent: string

      The intent to be analyzed.

    • registeredTools: AwTool<any, any>[]

      An array of registered tools to match against the intent.

    Returns Promise<IntentMatcherResponse<any>>

    • A promise that resolves to an object containing the analysis, matched tool, and parameters.


    • Throws an error if the OpenAI client is not initialized.