Welcome to the Lit Protocol Agent Wallet project! This repository provides a secure and trustless solution for managing AI Agent wallets using the Lit SDK. The framework ensures that Agent owners retain full control over their funds, preventing tampering by Agent developers.
The Lit Protocol team has addressed a critical challenge in the AI Agent space: "How do we trust an agent developer with an Agent's wallet?" An innovative solution leveraging the Lit SDK has been developed to ensure the security and integrity of AI Agent wallets.
Lit's Agent Wallet provides AI Agents with the ability to be immune to tampering by the Agent developer. This means that the Agent owner (which could be a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), a Safe Multisig, an Externally Owned Account (EOA), or any other type of account) can maintain full control over their Agent's funds, preventing them from being stolen by the developer responsible for executing the Agent's intents/actions.
Tamper-Proof Wallets: Ensures that Agent developers cannot tamper with the Agent's funds.
Programmable Key Pairs (PKPs): Utilizes ECDSA keypairs represented by ERC-721 NFTs.
Immutable Actions: Executes AI Agent intents through immutable JavaScript code published to IPFS.
Policy Enforcement: Allows Admins to define and enforce strict policies on Agent operations.
Secure Delegation: Enables Admins to delegate execution rights while maintaining control over the Agent's assets.
Before diving deeper, the following key concepts from the Lit SDK are defined:
Programmable Key Pairs (PKPs): Decentralized key pairs whose private keys can never be exposed, represented by ERC-721 NFTs.
Lit Actions: Immutable JavaScript code snippets published to IPFS, used to execute Agent intents.
Subagent: A GPT-4o model that parses the AI intent to select the correct Lit Action based tool for the PKP to execute.
The framework effectively separates the interests of the Agent owner and the developer through distinct roles:
Admin (Agent Owner):
Holds ownership of the PKP NFT.
Defines the tools available for the Agent to execute.
Sets policies to restrict and control the usage of these tools.
Can be any type of account (e.g., DAO, Safe Multisig, EOA, or other account types).
Example Policies:
Restricting token transfers to specific addresses.
Limiting the amount and type of ERC-20 tokens transferable.
Capping daily transfer amounts (e.g., $5,000 worth of ERC-20 tokens per day).
Delegatee (Developer):
Party chosen by the admin to execute Agent intents/actions.
Operates within the confines of tools and policies defined by the Admin.
Must be explicitly authorized by the Admin to perform actions on behalf of the Agent.
Limited by the tools and policies defined by the admin.
Distributed Key Generation (DKG):
Ensures that the Agent's private key is never fully reconstructed by any single party.
Prevents the Admin, delegatee, or Lit from recreating the private key, enhancing security.
The project is structured into several interconnected packages, each with specific responsibilities. The core TypeScript/JavaScript packages and their dependencies are shown below:
Additionally, the project includes:
@lit-protocol/aw-contracts : A Foundry project containing the smart contract implementations. While not part of the Node.js package dependency tree, these contracts are fundamental to the system as they are deployed on-chain and interacted with by the TypeScript/JavaScript packages.
Key packages and their purposes:
aw-tool : Base package defining core interfaces, types, and utilities for implementing tools/actions
aw-tool-registry : Central registry for managing and accessing all available tools/actions
aw-signer : Core package handling signing operations, PKP interactions, and policy enforcement
agent-wallet : Main package implementing the agent wallet functionality and integrating all components
law-cli : Command-line interface for interacting with the agent wallet system
aw-subagent-openai : OpenAI integration for intelligent agent functionality and intent parsing
aw-contracts : Smart contract implementations and interfaces for the Agent Wallet system
aw-tool-erc20-transfer : Specialized tool for handling ERC20 token transfers
aw-tool-uniswap-swap : Tool implementation for executing Uniswap swaps
aw-tool-sign-ecdsa : Tool for ECDSA signing operations
The Agent Wallet is composed of several packages, each with a specific purpose and responsibility:
Purpose : Base package defining core interfaces and types for all tools
Key Features :
Defines AwTool
interface and network configurations
Implements network-specific configurations
Provides foundational types for all tools
Purpose : Central registry for managing and accessing tools
Key Features :
Tool registration and lookup functionality
Network-specific tool management
IPFS CID-based tool resolution
Key Functions :
: Register new tools
: Lookup tools by name
: Find tools by IPFS CID
: List tools per network
Purpose : Implement specific blockchain operations
Common Structure :
Tool implementation
IPFS-deployed Lit Actions
Policy definitions
Examples :
: Uniswap V3 swap functionality
Default policy IPFS CID: Qmc6RAbV3WAqfNLvkAxp4hYjd4TDim4PwjWyhGbM9X7nbR
: ERC20 token transfers
Default policy IPFS CID: QmVHC5cTWE1nzBSzEASULdwfHo1QiYMEr5Ht83anxe6uWB
: ECDSA signing operations
Default policy IPFS CID: QmPaViiSPUVViC2VkTn3PiRWpkqxnh44BxNY8TcHsuTpJi
To create a new Agent Wallet tool package, use the provided script:
pnpm new-tool < tool-nam e>
For example:
pnpm new-tool my-feature
This will:
Generate a new tool package in packages/aw-tool-my-feature
Set up all necessary configuration files
Create template files for your tool's logic
After creation, you'll need to:
Implement your tool's logic in:
(Lit Action code)
(Lit Action policy validation)
(Tool policy configuration)
(Tool functionality)
Register your tool in aw-tool-registry
Import your tool in registry.ts
Add your package as a dependency
Purpose : PKP management and signing operations
Key Features :
PKP minting and management
Policy enforcement
Delegatee management
Tool execution
Components :
Admin role implementation
Delegatee role implementation
Tool policy registry interaction
Purpose : OpenAI integration for intent parsing
Key Features :
Natural language intent parsing
Tool selection based on intent
Parameter validation against schemas
Integration : Works with tool registry for available tools
Purpose : Main integration package
Features :
Unified interface for wallet operations
Re-exports core functionality
Type definitions
Exports : Core functionality from aw-signer and aw-subagent-openai
Purpose : Command-line interface
Features :
Role-based commands (Admin/Delegatee)
Tool management interface
Interactive parameter collection
Policy management
Components :
Command implementations
User interaction prompts
You can install the Agent Wallet CLI from NPM using:
pnpm add -g @lit-protocol/law-cli
npm install -g @lit-protocol/law-cli
yarn global add @lit-protocol/law-cli
If you're wanting to develop an Agent Wallet tool, extend the functionality of the CLI, or contribute to the project, you'll need to follow the steps below.
To get started with the Lit Protocol Agent Wallet, ensure the following prerequisites are met:
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/LIT-Protocol/agent-wallet.git
cd agent-wallet
Install Dependencies and Build:
pnpm i
pnpm build
Add a Pinata JWT Token:
cp .env.example .env
Then add your Pinata JWT token to the .env
Deploy Tools and Start the CLI:
pnpm start:cli
This command will:
Build all packages
Deploy the Lit Actions to IPFS for each tool:
Uniswap Swap tool
ECDSA Signing tool
ERC20 Transfer tool
Start the interactive CLI
Note: After running this command the first time and deploying the tools, you can run pnpm start:cli:no-build
to skip the build step.
Initial Setup Process:
The setup process involves two main roles: Admin and Delegatee. You'll need to set up the Admin first, then add a Delegatee.
a. First CLI Session (Admin Setup):
Select a Lit Network (e.g., Datil Dev)
Choose the "Admin" role
Enter your Admin private key when prompted
Select "Add Delegatee" from the menu
Enter the Ethereum address of your Delegatee
Use the menu to permit tools and set policies as needed
Exit the CLI once Delegatee setup is complete
b. Second CLI Session (Delegatee Setup):
Start the CLI again with pnpm start:cli
Select the same Lit Network as before
Choose the "Delegatee" role
Enter the private key of the Delegatee address you added in the Admin session
You can now execute tools within the policies set by the Admin
Note: Before a Delegatee can use any tools, the Admin must first permit them using the "Permit Tool" option in the Admin menu.
c. As an Admin:
Permit tools for use:
Select "Permit Tool" from the menu
Choose the tool to permit (e.g., erc20-transfer, uniswap-swap)
The tool will now be available for Delegatees to use
Set up policies:
Select "Set Tool Policy" to configure usage limits
Policies can restrict token amounts, addresses, and other parameters
Manage delegatees:
Add or remove delegatees
Monitor delegatee activities
Adjust tool permissions as needed
d. As a Delegatee:
Select from available PKPs
Choose from tools permitted by the Admin
Execute actions within the policy constraints set by the Admin
For example, to execute a Uniswap swap, you'll need to provide:
Token input address
Token output address
Amount to swap
Chain ID
The CLI will guide you through each step and provide feedback on the execution status of your commands.
Need help? Here are some resources to get you started:
For bug reports and feature requests, please use the GitHub Issues section of this repository or notify us on Telegram.